First BORIS newsletter published
The first newsletter of the BORIS project has been published! This newsletter provides information about the project and the progress of the individual work packages.
Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) acts as a link between scientific research and practitioners in crisis and disaster management. Through knowledge and technology transfer, findings from basic research are implemented and directed to those interested in security and disaster research in Austria and beyond.
The first newsletter of the BORIS project has been published! This newsletter provides information about the project and the progress of the individual work packages.
Another new project in the DCNA is CAVE: CAVE has set itself the goal of analyzing where risks and vulnerabilities can exist in the future in health crisis situations and how these can be countered in a participatory manner. Participatory approaches are central to reaching vulnerable groups and integrating them into crisis management. Community engagement refers to the involvement of those affected and local stakeholders in all phases of crisis management, including decisions about prevention and management.
With the new year, we are looking forward to several new projects in the DCNA. One of them is NIKE-MED: A project that deals with sustainable interdisciplinarity in complex underground operations with a focus on medical treatment. The project funded by FFG KIRAS aims to record and evaluate specific national but also international emergency capacities, to develop optimized processes for medical and psychosocial care based on this, and finally to improve the organization and implementation of operations in the event of disasters underground and thus enabling better and faster medical care for those affected.