
Horizon Europe

by Isabel Anger

After Horizon 2020, the next European funding program has launched: Horizon Europe, with a total budget of EUR 95.5 million for the years 2021-2027, the most important funding program for research in innovation in the European Union. As in the previous program, great importance is attached to international cooperation in R&D and innovation projects.

Central issues also include climate change and the achievement of the United Nations' sustainable development goals. Therefore, as DCNA within the framework of GADRI (Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes), we were able to participate in the launch event of Horizon Europe in Japan on July 7th. In this webinar, the program was presented in Japan, paving the way for research collaborations.

Thanks to our network with numerous well-known DRR institutes and their stakeholders, we can provide reliable project partners in the best possible way and establish contacts for research cooperation. Accordingly, we look forward to making our contribution to EU projects and consortia - be it as a project partner, coordinator or simply by networking with the right contact persons in the field of disaster research.

More about Horizon Europe>

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