New DCNA-project: Wanzendrohne
by Johanna Zweiger
The aim of this project is to develop a system to mechanically combat introduced stink bugs (the southern green stink bug and the brown marmorated stink bug). These bugs cause great damage, especially in fruit farming, making up to 200 types of fruit (mostly apples and pears) inedible and unsellable. As of today, no chemical pesticide against these pests has been approved. The project exploits the behaviour of the bugs: They reflexively drop to the ground when exposed to strong vibrations. The idea is for a robot to transport a drone close to the infested fruit trees which then induces strong vibrations to cause the bugs to fall to the ground. From there the robot can collect the bugs.
Within the project, DCNA is primarily responsible for checking the requirements potential users have for the system and - once it is in operation - to what extent it is accepted by them (using surveys). DCNA also supports the dissemination and exploitation efforts of the project.
Project partners:
- Universität Graz, Institut für Biologie (project management)
- AIR6 Systems GmbH
- Freidl Strategie Beratung Mediation e.U.
- greenhive GmbH
- Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark (potential user)
- Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Softwaretechnologie (IST)
The project is funded by the KIRAS research program of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
Participants of the kickoff meeting at the University of Graz on January 11, 2024: front row: Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner (TU Graz), Johanna Zweiger (DCNA), Manfred Hartbauer (University of Graz), Robert Kögl-Rettenbacher (greenhive), Walter Wohlkinger (greenhive), Giovanni Barone (University of Graz), second row: Isabel Anger (DCNA), Laura Essl (DCNA), Philipp Vogl (MONCON), third row: Michael Freidl (Freidl Strategie Beratung Mediation), Alexander Fraess-Ehrfeld (AIR6 Systems), Christian Resch (DCNA), Laurent Frering (TU Graz)
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